Postcard Featuring Penny Singleton Illustration
$10.00 Product Detail
Real Photo Postcard (RPPC) — Never mailed
$10.00 On Sale
Hand-Colored with Green 5C Stamp on Back
$7.00 Product Detail
Hand-Colored with Early Green 5C Stamp on Front
$5.00 Product Detail
Ten Thousand Dollars — Printed in Hong Kong
$2.00 Product Detail
Linen-Era Postcard — Unmailed
$4.00 Product Detail
Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture and Wholesale Dealers in Chamber Suits, Book Cases and Desks
$5.00 Product Detail
Wholesale Grocers – 5 & 7 Commercial and 8 Commerce Streets
$5.00 Product Detail
Manufacturer and Jobber of Repairs and Stove Fittings, Stove Ranges and Furnaces
$5.00 Product Detail
Manufacturers of Window Shades and Paper Hangings
$5.00 Product Detail
Manufacturers and Dealers in Chamber Furniture, Cane and Wood Seat Chairs
$6.00 Product Detail
Manufacturers of Guaranteed Bedding. Single and Double Border SpringBeds, Cot Beds and Metallic Bedsteads
$5.00 Product Detail
Wholesale Grocers and Coffee Roasters
$6.00 Product Detail
Manufacturers and Dealers in Chamber Furniture, Cane and Wood Seat Chairs
$5.00 Product Detail
Standard size – 1 11/16" (43mm)
$1.50 Product Detail
110 Ton Shovel on Truck Trailer with WIDE LOAD Sign
$10.00 Product Detail