Most Recently Added Items

1883 Advertising Postal Card — Boston to Fitzwilliam, N.H.

1883 Advertising Postal Card — Boston to Fitzwilliam, N.H.

U.S. 1¢ Pre-Printed Postage with Portrait of Liberty

$5.00 Product Detail

1829 Promissory Note on Rag Paper — Hartford, Conn.

1829 Promissory Note on Rag Paper — Hartford, Conn.

Dated May 23rd, 1829, with Signature

$8.00 Product Detail

The Case Shoe Co. Ink Blotter — Worcester, Mass.

The Case Shoe Co. Ink Blotter — Worcester, Mass.

The Royal Worcester Shoes for Men and Women

$5.00 Product Detail

1945 Jimmy Hatlo Mutoscope Arcade Card — no. 14 of 32

1945 Jimmy Hatlo Mutoscope Arcade Card — no. 14 of 32

From the Series "They'll Do It Every Time"

$5.00 Product Detail

1889 Anthemis Cotula (Mayweed), Fine Engraved Illustration

1889 Anthemis Cotula (Mayweed), Fine Engraved Illustration

Delineavit (del.) Louisa Reed Stowell, M. S, Assistant in Microscopical Botany — University of Michigan

$4.00 Product Detail

1889 Convolvulus Sepium (Hedge Bindweed), Fine Engraved Illustration

1889 Convolvulus Sepium (Hedge Bindweed), Fine Engraved Illustration

Delineavit (del.) Louisa Reed Stowell, M. S, Assistant in Microscopical Botany — University of Michigan

$4.00 Product Detail

1877 Democratic Regular Ticket, William Gaston for Governor

1877 Democratic Regular Ticket, William Gaston for Governor

Rockwell & Churchill, Printers, 39 Arch Street, Boston

$22.00 On Sale

19th Century Steel Engraving — Hotspur and Lady Percy

19th Century Steel Engraving — Hotspur and Lady Percy

Original Fine steel Engraving of a Scene from Shakespeare — King Henry IV

$14.00 Product Detail

1908 The Fairbanks Company, Gas and Gasolene Engines — Bangor, Maine

1908 The Fairbanks Company, Gas and Gasolene Engines — Bangor, Maine

Illustrated Letterhead with Advertising Insert and Original Envelope

$8.00 Product Detail

One Pound Cool Roasted Coffee Bag

One Pound Cool Roasted Coffee Bag

Urn Grind, Coffee Sales Co. — Cedar Rapids, IA.

$3.00 Product Detail

1895 Panoramic Illustration with Elevations

1895 Panoramic Illustration with Elevations

La Chaine Du Mont Blanc Vue De La Flegere — Switzerland

$16.00 Product Detail

1924 Greenwich Village Mass. Letter

1924 Greenwich Village Mass. Letter

Letterhead from The Hargrave — New York

$8.00 Product Detail

1921 America Lodge, No. 191 Fancy Illustrated Letterhead

1921 America Lodge, No. 191 Fancy Illustrated Letterhead

Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.) Letter

$10.00 Product Detail

1866 Legal Document with 5¢ Tax Revenue Stamp

1866 Legal Document with 5¢ Tax Revenue Stamp

Dated October 11, 1866 — Gordon Hewitt Jr.

$16.00 Product Detail

1946 Class of '99 Princeton University Letterhead

1946 Class of '99 Princeton University Letterhead

Washington, D.C. — June 14, 1946

$8.00 On Sale

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